Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Shit Glitter trance writing automatic writing

automatic trance writing about the topic of passion
This poem is a little loose and unrefined as I just let whatever words I thought of flow out of me
I am leaving it unedited in the spirit of the topic...

Shit Glitter

The flame rises from the hollow
where guitar strings cross
and fingers wiggle
bidding the tongues to consume
the litter of cranium vomit
they all peer at him with eyes like diamond earrings
in the pocket of a man
suffering from hypothermia
they look at him with all the cold glitter
of my blue blood
but wait
the old man is just a mask
underneath he is Marilyn Monroe
and his burning guitar is just the kiss on the lips of a stiff body
MRI scans of diamond brain waves
we all wear pearl choke chains
even an old man
burning in the summer
red high heels
and the legs in plastic sheets
we’ve all stopped trying not to walk the cracks in the pavement
and we have broken our mother's backs
and crippling our own smooth saunter
heels broken  
we pace in odd walks
circling the place where a star was once planted in the soil
we do not know we are monotonous
because the surface is white
and our footsteps have been erased
open up my skull and pull out the old man’s flame
flickering in the barn
like fishnet legs in a red light district
just blow out the candle and smell the singed skin
of a drag queen who takes a bow
and leaves her purse on his door so she has an excuse to
come back later
apply the lipstick
and hope for the best
cause the old man is burning the guitar strings again
the old man burns the lips that talk like Marilyn Monroe
heel broken
wink at the camera
press your hand in the cement
and then throw your diamond ring to the pigs
take a bow
at their indigestion
they now shit glitter


  1. I really enjoyed this, Laura... especially:

    the old man is just a mask
    underneath he is Marilyn Monroe
    and his burning guitar is just the kiss on the lips of a stiff body

  2. i like the spirit of it letting the passion of the initial writing stand as it is

  3. An interesting process indeed.

  4. I have never embarked on this sort of writing journey. Your piece exudes a comfort aas well as stimulation with the process. Good for you.

    1. It was really interesting.....
      I was listening to Jimi Hendrix and that is where the guitar on fire imagery came from come to think of it.....a very subtle influence....and very honest as well.....I think I will try more poems in this style!!

  5. Fascinating! Reads like a deliberately surreal piece.
