Friday, March 22, 2013

surreal untitled poem inspired by Streets Of Crocodiles

a clacka
a clicky clacka
i followed 
that odd noise
from whence i came
i know not
nor who i am
for i have no fingers
to look down upon
the dust
by my passage
spools unwound
and rusted screws
skittered across
a floor oddly wallpapered 
in gold and green filigree
scorched onyx
in fluttery glittered layers
exploding at my steps
but my feet
are unseen by me
for i can only look foreword
to the door 
from which comes
a lonely 
click clacking
a clicka
like a beacon 
of antithetical
creaks and sift
skeletons with jaws
with chains snaking
then still
silent but
the click clack
i sought 
in that room was a man
with rectangular spectacles 
tinted a dark violet
and the man looked at me
on his skin was tattooed
in stamp-like fashion
so quick 
the ink
black blotted
across his closed lips
gold dust and
moth wings
slightly wet and clinging
across his dapper 
grey suit
olive stripes
sewn subtly in
he was surrounded on all sides
by abacuses 
small and big
affixed to the wall
and mobile 
on wheels
i interrupted him
but one frantic second
blotting his brow 
with a glittering handkerchief 
leaves filigree
in the folds
of his wrinkles
a riot
of worry 
and torment
he maniacally 
pulse intense
started to add and subtract 
weigh percentages
the beads click and clacking
carved of ivory
and bone
the marrow raw
and unpolished in some
his hands went so fast
as to defy my eyes
pulling the beads up and down
only the wisps of buzzing 
winged finger frames
swarming their echos
of knuckle and nail
his breath
exuded equations
that realized themselves
then clattered on the floor
in mounds
he computed the rise and fall
of emperors 
of mountains
of galaxies
i stood there beside him
pitying him
as he calculated
the rise and fall
of a dying soldiers chest
the man who can never rest 
because the world never sleeps 
but walks, dances, staggers
to form strange new maths

then the noise of the abacus
fully saturated my brain
and i realized that lonely click clack
the pattern of the colliding beads
made a rhythm 
a ballad
a harmony 
so robust 
and vital 
amidst the calculation
of one man
it told of rust and feathers and smiles
and photographs of smiles
of moss and lilies
of angels and air ships
atoms and galaxies

I watched the bead for absolute zero
go up and down
and i breathed
with that 
my heart
with my

This poem was inspired by the short film Streets Of Crocodiles 

supporting imagery are stills from the movie
to see the full film go here: 


  1. Tough to write like this well, I think, but you do it: it is the beads and abacus running through the whole poem which hold it together for me, and make it work.

  2. Dark! And a bit disturbing, too.
