Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter resurrection psychic phenomena thought experiment

Warning: This easter thought experiment is not so Easter-y it is more like Halloween in some parts!

Finishing up the Law of Psychic Phenomena by Hudson…..a very progressive scientific work that would be cutting edge today, shows it's Victorian era roots in the last couple chapters discussing the moral degradation of spirit mediums and their tendency toward "free love" (yes, he used that term…..the hippies got it from Victorian slang)
Anyway, the last chapter that was cutting edge in science was about the topic of catalepsy …..which is like being in a comma accept you do not show any vital signs and for all intensive purposes you appear dead.
The cataleptic subject is in a deep trance that slows the heart because the subject was in some psychical or mental stress  and the body needed to recuperate so it shut down……but the subject is aware of what is going on around them but can do nothing about it.
It is also well documented that Indian Fakirs who sometimes voluntarily undergo being buried alive to prove the strength of the cataleptic trance they can put themselves into at will, are sealed into tombs of brick and mortar buried in the earth. Oxygen is not needed to keep the subject alive when in the trance.
One psychic of that era had a tendency to fall into these trances……one time he fell into a trance around strangers and was declared dead…..a hasty autopsy was done even though he was still alive….
There are a lot of documented cases of this that continue up to the present day. 
An example of this can be found in the book Psychic Discoveries Behind The Iron Curtain.
There is a famous Russian psychic named Wolf Messing who was the only psychic that was allowed to preform in public during Stalin's rule. His speciality was mind control through suggestion. He could break out of jails, get free train rides and at the request of Stalin himself……steal 100,000 rubles from the Moscow Gosbank with complete unknowing compliance of the teller as well as other i-dare-you scenarios from Stalin.
Once Wolf Messing was working as a messenger and was running around without any food and became so hungary and overworked that he fainted. He woke up in a morgue and simply walked out. After that he could bring about that state at will.
Now here is where it becomes Easter-y
And I am not saying this is necessarily true but it is a kind of neat thought…..
What if Christ during the crucifixion became so over taxed from blood loss and the heat and hunger and thirst and the general horrific-ness of it all ….that his body shut down into a cataleptic trance.
And he woke up resurrected …but really resuscitated…. in the crypt.

how did he move the stone?
you got me!

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