The most well known artistic trance is automatic writing. I guess I do that too…..I write about stuff that I don't know anything about, well, not enough to explain it off the top of my head… styles and voices that I cannot replicate if I tried. It's good for the writing process but bad if you have to explain it or give a lecture on it.
The different voices and themes are highly based on what I am reading at the time, shows I'm watching, conversations I've had, and places I've visited…..
Which shows that it pays to be around not only smart, quality media and situations but also upbeat preferably whimsical things as well……
I think all creative people experience this or something like it
It is rather infuriating sometimes, but other times it is delightful……
But it illustrates the creative process. Artists appreciate and study other people's work, expand upon it….add their vibe to it….reinvent it…remix it…
That is why I am against most copyright laws.
but that rant is for another time.
My writing process is pretty much me mindlessly tippy typing on the computer…..leaving the room…..maybe singing a song to my fish….and then going back to the screen to read what was there as if it were new to me and I would either think "wow this is good" or "what does that even mean….this is all nonsense!"
It is always a surprise as to which one it will be as well.
Sometimes I walk away and don't check it out right away and it's like reading a secret message from fairy land and it is also usually unfinished……and unfinished it remains unless i catch that vibe again.
That is why I am no good at writing for hire…..
To develop this technique the Victorian occultists had a thing called a planchette which was a movable piece of wood with a pencil stuck in it with small legs which would glide over the paper. You would lay your hands on it and not try to move it but think of nothing and then small movements of your hand would create words….
it looked like this:
Sounds pretty familiar to anyone who had a sleep over on Halloween…..or even Christmas…(at least at my house) . it was just a skip away from being an ouija board which came into popularity in the late 1800s.
Perhaps building a planchette or another similar digitally oriented device would help me tame this tendency of automatic writing or also drawing so I can use it at any time.
Same thing with my drawing…..sometimes I pick up a sketch pad and it seems nothing I do is any good. When that happens I tend to think about what I'm doing and it seems forced. Then other times it is effortless and the result is pretty good.
The problem is it doesn't happen as often as I would like.
Maybe I should enroll in an abnormal psychology class in a dark lecture hall again……
I can hide in back with my easel and planchette and if I got caught I can say…."I am conducting a scientific experiment of the utmost importance!"
With paint all over my face, ink on my fingers and a clear subconscious understanding of abnormal thoughts……
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