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to announce this thought
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The jaja rant zone and a wa do em!
talk of coral reefs and psychedelics made me write this….
So here I am up on my soap box and……..well….
I watch a lot of deep sea fish documentaries.
in particular Visions Of The Sea
Reef Life Of THe Andaman
bio luminescent fish to me are truly angelic and divine.
In one of these documentaries it is said that we barely have explored our deep ocean that cover most of our planet.
We know very little about them and until very recently we knew nothing at all.
A scientist on this documentary said that we put all of our money and recourses into exploring outer space when we should be looking down into our oceans where a lot of our resources and living creatures come from.
I think this is very true, we should explore our deep seas but there is also another frontier we have explored even less then the deep oceans, our minds. Our inner space.
And like in our ignorance of the sea it has come to pass that commercial fishermen have ravaged that unknown landscape without even looking upon it. Nets are dragged and up comes these bizarre creatures and alien coral.
But what these fishermen did not know is that these fish and coral are very very old and cannot regrow for sometimes hundreds of years.
So too in psychology we drag our nets with pharmaceuticals and clumsy outdated therapies.
And now that I have gone completely off the original topic…..wandering with words so to speak-step…….I have come to this conclusion from numerous books from the Victorian era onward about hypnotism and mental therapeutics, from my psychology studies at university and life experience in others as well as myself.
......And don't get me wrong I am not completely against pharmaceuticals but people should understand that it is a bandaid when treating psychic pain. When you get hurt or if you break your leg for example do you then wear the cast your entire life?
Pharmaceutical companies have stagnated of inner explorations. Psychology is unforgivably outdated and backwards in it's thinking and general practice……perhaps not if you have money but for the average patient there is a climate where everything is solved by pills. And this creates the revolving door patient.
A patient that comes back again and again for pills who is never cured.
There currently is no state of "cured" if you have a metal illness.
What it the solution?
Education and empowerment of the patient for one.
Embracing the power of suggestion is another.
Accepting the mind has power over the body.
and finally believing in that power.
Through hypnotism, mediation, auto-suggestion and even if one wishes...prayer.
I would like to take these simple ideas that have been around since the beginning of civilization....once lost....then found in the west during the 1800s......went into hiding....popped up in Russia......was spotted in India.....buried and forgotten in the west......then rediscovered on the peripheral.....I would like to take these simple notions and just make it known and possibly get these ideas accepted into general knowledge.
There is an entire landscape inside of us that is unknown…..what better astronauts then the most honest among us?
the eccentrics, the poets, the mad, the touched, the artists………
You inform as well as entertain with this post.