Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Short Story Within A Short Story folk tale about philosophy, gardens and blue apples

A short folk tale that appears in a long short story I wrote 

“Harkin! Once upon a time there were no farmers and humans wandered, taking this berry or that and chewin' on this or that there root as they liked. You see, the garden is a gathering of vegetables and fruits that the hungary vagabond might come across on a walk around but this garden floats in time and space for fear of the same hungary vagabond, a fearin' that he might enjoy the food so much that he would build a house right there and then bring his family and in doin' just that he would then be  bringin' a village and mayhaps in a moment of blind Eeee- rrationality he would a build and build up so that a paved city there would be where no vegetables can grow accept in REGulated areas. Then they got to thinkin', it was either that or become a city of their own making and then when the village came they would find themselves inside the outside. 
Ah! That was smart yes-sir-eee-bob! And harkin! When the garden found a particularly good patch they then a grew vast windows and open doors and in a seein', the humans disowned cement and mortar and became the ones farmed.
What fruits can humans produce you may ask?
Their unique perception, that's what! That so does arrange and organize a one's reality, organically sewn into the fabric of the garden so it was as a tapestry and in going bout the work of craftin' and weavin' and spinnin' up this here artistic endeavor did the blue apples appear that when you eat em' had the unique character to take the eater's mind which is but a part of the garden and reflect it upon the whole. It was in one of those dispositions that a mind did wonder oh where oh where did the sky go? And so in his spirit body he did peak out of the rind that encompassed all and in a peakin' he so did see a giant pluck the orbed world with him contained inside and with two or three violent bites a yum a yum a yum......did but the core of his reasoning remain. Tossed aside upon the ground then did the seeds germinate into twenty instead of one and only then was it clear that it twern't nothin' more then the head of the hydra that is severed when a body dies even such a one as an entire world.

The end."

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