Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Rainbow surreal poem fantastical drunken lament about religion and giant tweezers

The following was half dadaist writing experiment half fan fiction
I took two pages in a bar scene from Ian Esselmont's Stoneweilder 
selected fragments of sentences and words
and strung them together with a little sci fi twist
and other twisty twists!



of this covenant….. 
I was merely dictating my calling!
rubbed the sleep 
rub a dub dub
from my eyes
I'd only dreamed
of such generosity
don't you see
don't you?!
you see….
in a negative
as you are

in a crowded room

ah yes, in that place
i remember

the dirtiest most degrading tasks
and the children! the children!

won't you buy me another shot?
wide eyed 
and soft 
suspicious of such generosity
I had no intention of leaving

let's drink to the children's health…
to their health!


the drunken brawls 
like a grin
it was me 
small and chanting
such destruction
from my small unformed hands
such fear

now awake 
and grinning…. 

yet you helped me
you had seen no sign

the old indigenous tribes
and another civilized 

or so it would seem

and the seat of office
officially closed
no justice
no justice here

and faked pleasure
a regular hot bed of black market activities
buying and selling 

harvesters of rainbow light
in air Zeppelins
holy vessels 
virgin voyage


large golden tweezers
way up in the air

of this covenant 
I was merely dictating my calling
a promise
a dream

I'd only dreamed
of such generosity
under the skirts
of golden domes

The air Zeppelins 
a calling 
harvest the photons
distilled in funnels
dripped in beakers
infused in blood

what was this promise?

i am….
the old indigenous tribes
know best


that there is no justice
in faith and faked pleasure

revived and animated

the survivors
of the first 

did not look up.


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