Sunday, July 14, 2013

News Article Explaining Economics In A Very Logical And Articulate Manner

Astronauts  have illegally obtained classified footage that they put on youtube for all to see from a camera that is a fake eye. The eye was kind of hazel but also cracked. Suspicions were raised about the space pirate wearing the eye patch to cover the fact that he is not blinking. He did not cover the fact that he was a spy. The eye camera was then buried in a voodoo ritual, it is mandated in some mossy law somewhere and congress couldn't get it together on time to over turn it. There was simply nothing for it, it had to be done. The footage shows a view from space revealing that the world is flat. The space pirate’s eye was then the cause of the rising of the dead in Haiti and the zombie priest plucked the moon out of the sky and put it into the American currency circulation by investing in the stock market. That would have been okay when the moon was full but as time went by it waned and even became gibbous and spooky. That is why we are in a recession and the stock market all but exploded with roving packs of werewolves.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

What was I saying again?

the gas mask filters out pixels they
color the air with false reality confetti it 
blinds white and black deco holes into
drifting, eyes being held by
a helpful dreadlocked nymph who
lives inside the soldiers head but
is not a symptom of
pixel inhalation and
secret moments in solarized cobalt blue and
grainy figures in fish eye focus are
his armor and so are
the poppy field hat wearers who
throw seeds and wear seeds and are
blossoms yet to be but red petaled they are i
saw it worn on
fat arms sweating, sewn from scribbles and filigree and labyrinths they
turn and twist into clashing worlds that are also friends really, you
have to keep moving to be real and
in war between dichotomous forces you must
fashion armor that grows and dies and laughs and wilts and
kicks and twirls and flies and pouts and 
is born one more time for
it cannot break under the pressure of
the turning writhing twitching absurdity that
hard unyielding impostor we mistake for
logic it is or is not so
order the last round it is or is not well
that red light glowing it is or is not see
that building you live in it is or is not and
that body you inhabit it is or is not i am telling….OUCH!
I stubbed my toe!
It hurts so bad!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Fragments and Such about evolution, human kindness and arguing with a banana about philosophy



the bloodline of a saint
is a rare precious thing

red on the vine it rots
so that others can touch 

the sun.

this is not a finished work
but was prompted by Colin Quin's stand up 
where he points out
we are descended from the biggest assholes history has to offer
most likely any creature, person or even plant with an altruistic nature
has died off in the survival of the fittest


what a cool thought experiment!
a species of altruistic humans going extinct
species that were once named saints
and should be placed on the endangered species list
there is an open door there for some sci fi fun


i have not finished the poem because i am unsure about the concept
and how it regards plants
i shall have to talk to my lemon tree about it
and have a discussion in my garden

I just hope my strawberry patch does not tell me to fuck off
and I do not get into any arguments on my banana phone 
on my quest to discover
the true story
of blue apples
and what they really mean

Thursday, July 11, 2013

A Memory philosophical poem

i remember you
i mean….
i don't know
i remember you
with a caterpillar
on your finger 
how can I hate you
when you exist in that reality
a memory painted golden
by time
that is not even mine
but a thing told in passing
a thing you said
that just stuck in my mind
i can see you
putting the caterpillar in your pocket 
with those huge calloused hands
so carefully 
so you could find it a home
some place safe
from a place of danger 
but you are the gentle symbol of my hate
the expression of humanity i distrust
yet cannot help but love
the thought of you
that I have shined
and polished

hunched over 
head buried in your hands
in an existential pose
of despair
of pain
of time
of erosion

here i sit
as you once sat

generation after generation
the same posture
the same form
the same potential
in that futile
a circle
stops at my feet

but we now
are the caterpillars

that may or may not

in this gentle

i have made.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

An Alien Who Met Some Professional Animals On It's Visit To Earth sci fi photography story

Here are some animals I have met

they are professionals...

experts in their field...

or patch....

with purpose and vision

I cannot recommend them more highly

it was like they are born for the job...


Those humans.....

they're slackin' on the job!!!
what is it they are supposed to be doing anyway?
They can't possibly be management!

their not.

then who?

the rocks
the ones that have mica in them
and the ones polished smooth by the sea

ah...that makes sense...

huh? oh yeah...sense.


nostalgia that's all
sometimes i miss having a body....
i still have it you know....
I put funny hats on it sometimes....
ah well, deploy to your next assignment 
and kid....wear your hat!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Short Story Within A Short Story folk tale about philosophy, gardens and blue apples

A short folk tale that appears in a long short story I wrote 

“Harkin! Once upon a time there were no farmers and humans wandered, taking this berry or that and chewin' on this or that there root as they liked. You see, the garden is a gathering of vegetables and fruits that the hungary vagabond might come across on a walk around but this garden floats in time and space for fear of the same hungary vagabond, a fearin' that he might enjoy the food so much that he would build a house right there and then bring his family and in doin' just that he would then be  bringin' a village and mayhaps in a moment of blind Eeee- rrationality he would a build and build up so that a paved city there would be where no vegetables can grow accept in REGulated areas. Then they got to thinkin', it was either that or become a city of their own making and then when the village came they would find themselves inside the outside. 
Ah! That was smart yes-sir-eee-bob! And harkin! When the garden found a particularly good patch they then a grew vast windows and open doors and in a seein', the humans disowned cement and mortar and became the ones farmed.
What fruits can humans produce you may ask?
Their unique perception, that's what! That so does arrange and organize a one's reality, organically sewn into the fabric of the garden so it was as a tapestry and in going bout the work of craftin' and weavin' and spinnin' up this here artistic endeavor did the blue apples appear that when you eat em' had the unique character to take the eater's mind which is but a part of the garden and reflect it upon the whole. It was in one of those dispositions that a mind did wonder oh where oh where did the sky go? And so in his spirit body he did peak out of the rind that encompassed all and in a peakin' he so did see a giant pluck the orbed world with him contained inside and with two or three violent bites a yum a yum a yum......did but the core of his reasoning remain. Tossed aside upon the ground then did the seeds germinate into twenty instead of one and only then was it clear that it twern't nothin' more then the head of the hydra that is severed when a body dies even such a one as an entire world.

The end."

Monday, July 8, 2013

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Censored poem with colorful language

i see how it is
shit fucker
born free?
no comment.

i see how it is
dick sucker
born free?
i plead the 5th.

i see how it is
you fucking cunt
born free are you?
there are no
words for it
I tell you!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Fragment of short story witty banter fantasy about religion and poot the votive statue

"Here! This is the last of our chickens. go to the market and get some ginger."

"For the beans?"

"Wha?! For the….for the beans?! Are you mad? For our figure at the temple!"

"What are you going on about woman? It's a votive statue….it doesn't need …ginger….it doesn't even have a proper mouth!"

"This ginger is not for eating! It's to be given as an offering…you know….to the god we worship?! What is it going to give the gate keeper then tell me that, eh?"

"Look, I traded two chickens,  one of my nicest pots and my very own marker medallion for this…..shit!"

"Keep your voice down oy!"

"Yeah yeah…..I'm just sayin, votive statues all this….."
he said gesturing to the ornate temple at the center of the village…..
"it's all bullshit."

"But I'm the village medium I am and I ain't bullshittin."

"But honey suckle your aren't the village medium it is your step sister, remember?"

"I don't have a step sister."

"What they got divorced already?"

"Of course not, you can't get divorced that's why I'm stuck with you."

"But you said you had a step sister twice removed and then this long story I half listened to."

"So….you don't listen to my stories, eh?"

"No sugar dumpling, I mean yes!" Heppo said fawning over his voluptuous wife. "I'm not saying anything bad about you sugar bottom. we could get some sugar instead of ginger…..for the beans… would save us half a chicken!"

"HURUMF! Well someone's a medium whoever that may be and I KNOW I know…..that there is such things inside of us as souls and more besides! If your not fearin then why yous bought the statue then, tarry and way you are afraid of the darkness, the mad creeping darkness and the eye that looks into our own and sees naught but itself!"

"No, actually wife…I am not….I just don't want undo attention from the priest's military."

 "Ohhhhh…un do… he says…that's big talkin there for a potter husband, I should have listened to my mother and married the butcher…..a man becomes practical beein' round blood and guts like he."

"He smells like rotten pig and looks like rotten pig and he's also a rotten pig!"

"Humf! better then a…..grasshopper that talks like a…..ummmmm…..peep frog or something."

"Nice try honey."

"Hurmf! I would know better then you if I did know which I may or may not."

"That's the best argument for anything I've ever heard…."

"Well then that settles it! You ARE getting ginger for poot and that is that……I'm not going to have him carrying my eternal soul and getting stuck at the gate of light it just won't do."

"You NAMED it? and you named it Poot?"

"What else would I name it, it looks like a Poot."

"Well, fine dearest honey suckle bottom……I will get the ginger but all of this….all of THIS….."

He waved his hand at society….

"Is bull."

Friday, July 5, 2013

The Big Fish Dadaist surreal rambling poem fantasy sci fi

Another dada and Ian Esslemont inspired experiment 
I noticed in his novel Esslemont's characters either tend to trail of when talking or are cut off before they can finish their sentences....  

The Big Fish


i'm hooked

I assure you-

turn your face from us, and rightly so……

turn away

from the truth

i won't judge, my gaze is inward…when…i ….left….

that was not my intent….

he murmured, perhaps-

and if I did…then

show me.

No! Please….

that's a big fish!

oh, yes…..but oh how your lying….

at his side- an artifact 





inherent to all

who look upon it

childish scheming-

-and strong

slipped their grasp. no
don't be a fool
don't we?
I do. 
he muttered darkly

to himself



his prize.

wretchedly small…..

…..perhaps you shouldn't……

-you are a mystery to me
i take full responsibility
you do?
I do

I caught
the legend
like a flu



oh well...


Unspoken dadaist surreal sci fi poem nature, health care, immortality


I am 43 years old
second of my kind
i am existing
it is a major health condition
currently in critical condition 
a condition common around the world
due to conditioning 
through repetition 
and other cons of all kinds
states of how do you do
and other pleasantries 
of real slang tongue 
But symptoms are severe
so be very scared
the saving angels are infected
transmission of the virus
on wavelengths 
to antenna 
powder wing
and feathered feeler
caught in the blind
operating eye, shining
take appropriate measures 
when listening to the radio 
beating frantically 
against the sonic iris 
a medical mystery
in the air
France, Germany, Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom -- have died.

i am a woman
the nurse is a man
we are both 43 years old
the nurse is an angel 
a dangerous new virus
is not new


after becoming ill 

according to the WHO

human infection 

called cities

acts like a cold and attacks the respiratory system

a hard shell looms above

our roots wither
the angel dims
spring comes

But symptoms are severe

this virus poses a medical mystery 

it's architecture is ridged
and it spreads and spreads

I am a 43 year old woman 
i used to be
an immortal goddess
the nurse is dead

all the angels are

we have to push through the cement
to get to the light
i once was
the tree
in eden 


i was born 43 years ago
with skin and everything
a ripe second
tall and fat….
on sweet.

some one
cure me
of my humanity
this need

this hunger

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Rainbow surreal poem fantastical drunken lament about religion and giant tweezers

The following was half dadaist writing experiment half fan fiction
I took two pages in a bar scene from Ian Esselmont's Stoneweilder 
selected fragments of sentences and words
and strung them together with a little sci fi twist
and other twisty twists!



of this covenant….. 
I was merely dictating my calling!
rubbed the sleep 
rub a dub dub
from my eyes
I'd only dreamed
of such generosity
don't you see
don't you?!
you see….
in a negative
as you are

in a crowded room

ah yes, in that place
i remember

the dirtiest most degrading tasks
and the children! the children!

won't you buy me another shot?
wide eyed 
and soft 
suspicious of such generosity
I had no intention of leaving

let's drink to the children's health…
to their health!


the drunken brawls 
like a grin
it was me 
small and chanting
such destruction
from my small unformed hands
such fear

now awake 
and grinning…. 

yet you helped me
you had seen no sign

the old indigenous tribes
and another civilized 

or so it would seem

and the seat of office
officially closed
no justice
no justice here

and faked pleasure
a regular hot bed of black market activities
buying and selling 

harvesters of rainbow light
in air Zeppelins
holy vessels 
virgin voyage


large golden tweezers
way up in the air

of this covenant 
I was merely dictating my calling
a promise
a dream

I'd only dreamed
of such generosity
under the skirts
of golden domes

The air Zeppelins 
a calling 
harvest the photons
distilled in funnels
dripped in beakers
infused in blood

what was this promise?

i am….
the old indigenous tribes
know best


that there is no justice
in faith and faked pleasure

revived and animated

the survivors
of the first 

did not look up.


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Egg Collective surreal political poem about capitalism and reincarnation

The Egg Collective

a never ending supply of bright young things
geometric angels 
become softer


damaged further




The Egg Collective

a never ending supply of bright young things
geometric angels 
become softer


damaged further



The Egg Collective

a never ending supply of bright young things
geometric angels 
become softer


damaged further



My First City Siren surreal poem

My First City Siren


my first city siren
came winging out of the night
like a god mouth howling
without a god head thinking
a brother sister hurting
the red flashed like the sweetest 
sugar crackle
sweet haze
of confusion
that struck me so
in my lofty vision

but I lived near a hospital
and the god ear shriveled 
up on the godhead god
all the old gods
are sick and 

the illusion of heaven
are crickets in the field
are toads in the pond

a choir of the first 

my first city siren was so young a voice
bouncing off the brick and mortar

I fear it might become
an old song
one day

and a new voice

but whatever 
head that is 
you might be
throw it back
all unhinged 
and raw

the first city siren
that rips through your
dark mind

the chirp
and hum
of the field

our voice knows 
no words
for such

our footsteps crush
the choir
so sympathetic
to our
tread lightly
past the
crushed and crashed
of our 
quaking hands
and restless feet
the still
the gnaw of worms
in the earth
that is
our bodies

without sound

my first city siren
passed my by
an ache
in my

an ache
fedora hat

a halo i so
from my ears
in the meadow
of false heaven
the ground still
eats away

(from wiki commons)