Saturday, April 6, 2013

what I think about everything philosophical mini rant

when you think in absolutes you are pulling apart the truth into two halves.

the individual soul as a society. the one soul is a collective of many souls, molecules, atoms.... forming a society... and the human is the city, economy and culture

as humans evolve so will reality
to evolve humans have to step outside of society

 the greatest most addictive drug is the human body

Time is action. Time is the act of creating or destroying. Outside of time is the creation or the destruction but only in it’s whole complete immediacy. The steps and the cause and effect is the medium time. The act of painting creates a painting. The finished painting is outside of time. No action but pure will can cut through time.

but silly me, that is not completely true......
because when you view a painting you create a new reality for it all over again.....
all those heads floating through museums.....
so too with memory
and legends......

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