Sunday, July 14, 2013

News Article Explaining Economics In A Very Logical And Articulate Manner

Astronauts  have illegally obtained classified footage that they put on youtube for all to see from a camera that is a fake eye. The eye was kind of hazel but also cracked. Suspicions were raised about the space pirate wearing the eye patch to cover the fact that he is not blinking. He did not cover the fact that he was a spy. The eye camera was then buried in a voodoo ritual, it is mandated in some mossy law somewhere and congress couldn't get it together on time to over turn it. There was simply nothing for it, it had to be done. The footage shows a view from space revealing that the world is flat. The space pirate’s eye was then the cause of the rising of the dead in Haiti and the zombie priest plucked the moon out of the sky and put it into the American currency circulation by investing in the stock market. That would have been okay when the moon was full but as time went by it waned and even became gibbous and spooky. That is why we are in a recession and the stock market all but exploded with roving packs of werewolves.

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