Friday, August 2, 2013

Serious a poem about memory

i will carry you on my back
i won't let you die

i will carry this weight on my back
i won't let you rot

i will carry this body on my back 
i won't let you rest 

i will carry this.... 
oh look!
what a cute pineapple hat!

what was i talking about?

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Digging For Dada Poetry book illustrated visual concept art book

This is my Digging For Dada poetry digital book
the past 4 blog posts have been pages from this book.....

I used to make these handmade books by collaging from magazines and drawings and such....
inevitably they would fall apart.....get lost in a garden or become otherwise distressed or repurposed....
I wanted to give a distressed ephemeral handmade feeling to the book 
but still have the durability of digital art...
This is a poetry book of a surreal whimsical nature...
It had gotten lost in the woods for a bit and some fairies have pressed four leaf clovers in it....
There are mysterious drawings, prints and paintings just on the other side of the page where the poems are written.....You can faintly see them bleeding through the page....but no matter how hard you look the original image will elude you....

For sale on etsy at Blue Apple Vintage

hoping to make this available on my website soon.